The five elements (phases) 五行 and weiqi 围棋(圍棋)

The styles of gameplay bases on the five elements theory.
水shui water: the timid and not risky-taking of territory making, used sometimes by weak oponents
木mu wood: the agressive and destructive strategy of making deep invasions, the rage and destruction that they produce as wood is the fuel of energy.
火huo fire: The rewarding and difficult play for influence, do not play with fire unless you know what you are doing!
土tu earth: the balance of calm gameplay, the equilibrium
金jin metal: the solid strategy, trying to never concede, gameplay of seeking for big moyos. not bending like rigid metal, but Chinese saw things too rigid are easy to break.

Using English words to learn pronunciations of the Chinese characters

You can use English words to learn the pronunciations of some Chinese characters, although don’t seem to work so well with all the hanzi due to the different type of sound of the two languages.
冉ran , passage of time, the time RUNS out.
尧(堯) yao, name, of the legendary emperor that created weiqi(go), to educate his son, and every wrong move he beat him in the head, yao (ouch) (you will learn about Chinese culture too using this story).
母mu, mother, female, it is a pictograph of breasts, where there is milk like in the cow that make a sound like “moo”.
破po break, and you hear the sound“pow”

YI jing(I ching)易经(易經)and go (weiqi) 围棋(圍棋)

Form the hexagram that represents your style of play by adding the lines, yin are broken lines, yang unbroken

Line 1 fuseki constant is yang, creative is yin
Line 2 opening constant is yang, creative is yin
Line 3 early mid game constant is yang, creative is yin
Line 4 later mid game constant is yang, creative is yin
Line 5 end game constant is yang, creative is yin
Line 6 putting the last stones constant is yang, creative is yin

Lao zi did not know the Dao道

The Dao De Jing 道德经(道德經) shows a complete ignorance of what is the Dao, Laozi老子 even dare to give it a name “knowing is a decease that the sage do not have”, demonstrating a great knowledge of ignorance. He not said “who want to know the truth come to me” or “I’m the alpha and the omega”; Lao zi was just able to see some patterns of the Tao, that repeats as in a game of Weiqi(go)圍棋(围棋)and maybe they would repeat again, but rarely there is two equal games.
He had no special connection with the Dao (the one that can’t be named), or had supernatural powers; it’s evident by the lack of a text describing spirits or what the Dao is. The examples he gave about the manifestations of the Dao were so simple: the empty space in a house, a hall full of jade, etc. something that obviously a mere mortal (although with a exceptional wisdom) could do; and that is what is fantastic in Laozi’s work, he not made mystic and complex theories, alchemy with elements, arrangements of guas, he showed and could explain with an extreme simplicity the world around us. Have us surpassed so greatly Lao zi or are we going the wrong path?