A new fundamental question of martial arts

In one of his books “brazilian jiujitsu theory and techinique”, Renzo and Royler Gracie family members proposed a fundamental question to martial arts: how defeat a stronger, bigger, more agressive opponent. In fact the internal martial arts offer a answer to this question: not opposing force against force, yielding and using sensibility to overcome the opponent: imagine you exchanging punches with Mike Tyson, you give him one punch, he gives you one punch, and so on, or you pushing an sumo fighter and the sumo fighter push you back; not a good idea. Every martial art has its way of compensate the lack of strength with speed, footwork, dodges, etc. I propose a new fundamental problem to martial arts: How defeat more then one opponent; having to fight more than one opponent, and this is common; when fighting alone is one of the most difficult problems you could face. And, in this aspect, brazilian jiujitsu offers a poor solution: if you try to take one of the opponents to the ground, the other(or others) will kick your head and other vital points to the death, while you are in a disadvantageous position on the ground and the opponent standing up. Baguazhang is the perfect solution; with it circular movements is possible to attack multiple opponents at the same time and with it circular footsteps and spins, have just a small momentary exposition of flanks(sides) and the rear, that is the most vulnerable points when fighting more than one opponent, and if you know about war, you know how important is to control the flanks and the rear.

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